The project

Fare Leggere Tutti aps and Autismo Faenza Onlus



aiming to make public spaces more inclusive and understandable by people with complex communication needs.

The aim of the “Città in CAA” project is to refine Augmentative Alternative Communication's (AAC) potentiality by establishing a network of “AAC friendly” businesses that support the use of AAC.

The shopkeepers who join the project make available in their shops AAC adapted materials, adjust their spaces and train their staff to ease the communication, promote social skills and foster the autonomy of people with complex communication needs.


  • Remove any communication barrier between shopkeepers and people with complex communication needs
  • Make the latter more independent in some stages of daily life
  • Strengthen social inclusion


The project involves the possibility to place accessible communication boards in “AAC friendly” urban places. These will be specifically built for the context in which they will be placed and will contain all the information needed to allow the communication, so that the person with complex communication needs can feel comfortable, understand and be able to express herself. 

Besides producing inclusion, these boards aim to ease the work of employees who work directly with people with complex communication needs.


Within this project, Augmentative Alternative Communication is an extremely effective tool also for foreigners who do not speak Italian and have problems with common and essential daily life situations.

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